Retro messenger bag, computer bag
This leather bag has a large bag and two small bags, which can be used for large items such as computers, and the front two small bags can be used for chargers, wallets and other items. Made of Italian Minerva box cowhide, heavy oil, average and strong fibers, We did not post-process the leather when we made it, because the high-grade leather is already very beautiful. As it is used, it will slowly record the user's personality and gradually become a unique partner of the user.
香港,澳門,台灣,中國大陸: 我們一般會用順豐快遞運送, 需要約2-5個工作天運送. 台灣的客人需要先實名註冊APP "易利委" 及提供身份證號碼來填寫運單喔:)
其他國家會使用香港郵政寄出, 一般約需要14-28個工作天寄送. (特別情況除外)
- 所有真皮都會有生長紋,蟲咬紋, 是自然的傷痕,屬正常現象
- 在不同地點,燈光,手機,電腦,顏色是會有色差的喔Precautions:
- All leather will have growth lines, which are natural scars and are normal.
- In different places, lights, mobile phones, computers, the color will have color difference
- Except for Hong Kong, courier does not accept white glue and preservatives. Therefore, overseas mail will be sent by the post office, and it is generally expected to arrive in 5-8 days.尺寸:
長: 17 吋
寬: 11.5 吋
深: 5吋maintainance:
- 最好每三個月做一次保養,可以用我們附贈的皮蠟或貂鼠油(在皮革店有售)用棉布,沾一點然後在皮革上打圈塗上薄薄一層,在皮革吸收後再重複兩次 (合共三次)便可.
- 現在擦蠟皮上有蠟層,可以不用保養,因為有機會會擦掉蠟層喔,可以蠟層吸收/脫落後才保養, 可先對植鞣皮進行保養.